.. _integrations: Integrations ============ Pandera ships with integrations with other tools in the Python ecosystem, with the goal of interoperating with libraries that you know and love. .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 * - :ref:`FastAPI ` - Use pandera DataFrameModels in your FastAPI app * - :ref:`Frictionless ` - Convert frictionless schemas to pandera schemas * - :ref:`Hypothesis ` - Use the hypothesis library to generate valid data under your schema's constraints. * - :ref:`Mypy ` - Type-lint your pandas and pandera code with mypy for static type safety [experimental 🧪] * - :ref:`Pydantic ` - Use pandera DataFrameModels when defining your pydantic BaseModels .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Introduction :hidden: FastAPI Frictionless Hypothesis Mypy Pydantic .. note:: Don't see a library that you want supported? Check out the `github issues `__ to see if that library is in the roadmap. If it isn't, open up a `new issue `__ to add support for it!