Error Reports#

new in 0.19.0

The pandera error report is a generalised machine-readable summary of failures which occured during schema validation. It is available for both pysparksql and pandas objects.

By default, error reports are generated for both schema and data level validation, but more granular control over schema or data only validations is available.

This is achieved by introducing configurable settings using environment variables that allow you to control execution at three different levels:

  1. SCHEMA_ONLY: perform schema validations only. It checks that data conforms to the schema definition, but does not perform any data-level validations on dataframe.

  2. DATA_ONLY: perform data-level validations only. It validates that data conforms to the defined checks, but does not validate the schema.

  3. SCHEMA_AND_DATA: (default) perform both schema and data level validations. It runs most exhaustive validation and could be compute intensive.

You can override default behaviour by setting an environment variable from terminal before running the pandera process as:


This will be picked up by pandera to only enforce SCHEMA level validations.

Error reports with pandas#

To create an error report with pandas, you must specify lazy=True to allow all errors to be aggregated and raised together as a SchemaErrors.

import pandas as pd
import pandera as pa
import json

pandas_schema = pa.DataFrameSchema(
        "color": pa.Column(str, pa.Check.isin(["red", "green", "blue"])),
        "length": pa.Column(int,,
data = [("red", 4), ("blue", 11), ("purple", 15), ("green", 39)]

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "color": ["red", "blue", "purple", "green"],
        "length": [4, 11, 15, 39],

    pandas_schema.validate(df, lazy=True)
except pa.errors.SchemaErrors as e:
    print(json.dumps(e.message, indent=4))
    "DATA": {
        "DATAFRAME_CHECK": [
                "schema": null,
                "column": "color",
                "check": "isin(['red', 'green', 'blue'])",
                "error": "Column 'color' failed element-wise validator number 0: isin(['red', 'green', 'blue']) failure cases: purple"
                "schema": null,
                "column": "length",
                "check": "greater_than(10)",
                "error": "Column 'length' failed element-wise validator number 0: greater_than(10) failure cases: 4"

Error reports with pyspark.sql#

Accessing the error report on a validated pyspark dataframe can be done via the errors attribute on the pandera accessor.

import pandera.pyspark as pa
import pyspark.sql.types as T
import json

from decimal import Decimal
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pandera.pyspark import DataFrameModel

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

class PysparkPanderSchema(DataFrameModel):
    color: T.StringType() = pa.Field(isin=["red", "green", "blue"])
    length: T.IntegerType() = pa.Field(gt=10)

data = [("red", 4), ("blue", 11), ("purple", 15), ("green", 39)]

spark_schema = T.StructType(
        T.StructField("color", T.StringType(), False),
        T.StructField("length", T.IntegerType(), False),

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, spark_schema)
df_out = PysparkPanderSchema.validate(check_obj=df)

print(json.dumps(dict(df_out.pandera.errors), indent=4))
    "DATA": {
        "DATAFRAME_CHECK": [
                "schema": "PysparkPanderSchema",
                "column": "color",
                "check": "isin(['red', 'green', 'blue'])",
                "error": "column 'color' with type StringType() failed validation isin(['red', 'green', 'blue'])"
                "schema": "PysparkPanderSchema",
                "column": "length",
                "check": "greater_than(10)",
                "error": "column 'length' with type IntegerType() failed validation greater_than(10)"